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How Refinancing Can Help Student Loans

January 13 Bob Dorris 0

Refinancing your Student Loans Refinancing your student loans can prove to be very beneficial to you and your financial situation. It can save you money right now, as well as in the future. It could lower your interest rate and even lower the amount you pay each month into your Readmore >>


Starting Salary for New Grads? Read This!

December 26 Bob Dorris 0

Fresh Out of College Most people are excited about landing that first job. Given that most grads do not have work experience or only had a part time job while studying, it is not easy to secure an executive position right away. Starting from Scratch One has no choice but Readmore >>


What to Ask When Getting A Loan

December 26 Bob Dorris 0

When Asking For A Loan When you approach a lender to ask for a loan, you can expect a certain formula. Mortgages are a particular type of loan – they usually involve larger amounts, are spread over a longer period, and are secured on your house. As is clear from Readmore >>

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